Added class-specific results

Signed-off-by: Jim Martens <>
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Jim Martens 2019-09-26 13:39:17 +02:00
parent fd7908a064
commit e2a7fcb16c
1 changed files with 153 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -861,6 +861,159 @@ are included.
All plotted variants show a similar behaviour that is in line with previously All plotted variants show a similar behaviour that is in line with previously
reported figures, such as the ones in Miller et al.~\cite{Miller2018} reported figures, such as the ones in Miller et al.~\cite{Miller2018}
\subsection{Class-specific results}
As mentioned before, the data set is imbalanced with respect to its
classes: four classes make up roughly 50\% of all ground truth
detections. Therefore, it is interesting to see the performance
of the tested variants with respect to these classes: persons, cars,
chairs, and bottles. Additionally, the results of the giraffe class are
presented as these are exceptionally good, although the class makes up
only 0.7\% of the ground truth.
Forward & max & Recall & Precision\\
Passes & \(F_1\) Score & \multicolumn{2}{c}{at max \(F_1\) point} \\
vanilla SSD - 0.01 conf & 0.460 & \textbf{0.405} & 0.532 \\
vanilla SSD - 0.2 conf & \textbf{0.460} & \textbf{0.405} & \textbf{0.533} \\
SSD with Entropy test - 0.01 conf & 0.460 & 0.405 & 0.532 \\
% entropy thresh: 1.7 for vanilla SSD is best
Bay. SSD - no DO - 0.2 conf - no NMS \; 10 & 0.272 & 0.292 & 0.256 \\
no dropout - 0.2 conf - NMS \; 10 & 0.451 & 0.403 & 0.514 \\
0.9 keep ratio - 0.2 conf - NMS \; 10 & 0.447 & 0.401 & 0.505 \\
0.5 keep ratio - 0.2 conf - NMS \; 10 & 0.410 & 0.368 & 0.465 \\
% entropy thresh: 1.2 for Bayesian - 2 is best, 0.4 for 3
% entropy thresh: 0.7 for Bayesian - 6 is best, 1.5 for 7
% 1.7 for 8, 2.0 for 9
\caption{Rounded results for persons class. SSD with Entropy test and Bayesian SSD are represented with
their best performing macro averaging entropy threshold with respect to \(F_1\) score.}
It is clearly visible that the overall trend continues in the individual
classes (see tables \ref{tab:results-persons} through \ref{tab:results-giraffes}). However, the two vanilla SSD variants with only 0.01 confidence
threshold perform better than in the averaged results presented earlier.
Only in the chairs class, a Bayesian SSD variant performs better (in
precision) than any of the vanilla SSD variants. Moreover, there are
multiple classes where two or all of the vanilla SSD variants perform
equally well. When compared with the macro averaged results,
giraffes and persons perform better across the board. Cars have a higher
precision than average but lower recall values for all but the Bayesian
SSD variant without NMS and dropout. Chairs and bottles perform
worse than average.
The giraffe class illustrates the difference between macro and micro
averaging very well: in macro averaging, the persons class and the giraffe
class have the same impact. With micro averaging, the outliers of the
giraffe class are negligible.
Forward & max & Recall & Precision\\
Passes & \(F_1\) Score & \multicolumn{2}{c}{at max \(F_1\) point} \\
vanilla SSD - 0.01 conf & 0.364 & \textbf{0.305} & 0.452 \\
vanilla SSD - 0.2 conf & 0.363 & 0.294 & \textbf{0.476} \\
SSD with Entropy test - 0.01 conf & \textbf{0.364} & \textbf{0.305} & 0.453 \\
% entropy thresh: 1.7 for vanilla SSD is best
Bay. SSD - no DO - 0.2 conf - no NMS \; 10 & 0.236 & 0.244 & 0.229 \\
no dropout - 0.2 conf - NMS \; 10 & 0.336 & 0.266 & 0.460 \\
0.9 keep ratio - 0.2 conf - NMS \; 10 & 0.332 & 0.262 & 0.454 \\
0.5 keep ratio - 0.2 conf - NMS \; 10 & 0.309 & 0.264 & 0.374 \\
% entropy thresh: 1.2 for Bayesian - 2 is best, 0.4 for 3
% entropy thresh: 0.7 for Bayesian - 6 is best, 1.5 for 7
% 1.7 for 8, 2.0 for 9
\caption{Rounded results for cars class. SSD with Entropy test and Bayesian SSD are represented with
their best performing macro averaging entropy threshold with respect to \(F_1\) score. }
Forward & max & Recall & Precision\\
Passes & \(F_1\) Score & \multicolumn{2}{c}{at max \(F_1\) point} \\
vanilla SSD - 0.01 conf & 0.287 & \textbf{0.251} & 0.335 \\
vanilla SSD - 0.2 conf & 0.283 & 0.242 & 0.341 \\
SSD with Entropy test - 0.01 conf & \textbf{0.288} & \textbf{0.251} & 0.338 \\
% entropy thresh: 1.7 for vanilla SSD is best
Bay. SSD - no DO - 0.2 conf - no NMS \; 10 & 0.172 & 0.168 & 0.178 \\
no dropout - 0.2 conf - NMS \; 10 & 0.280 & 0.229 & \textbf{0.360} \\
0.9 keep ratio - 0.2 conf - NMS \; 10 & 0.274 & 0.228 & 0.343 \\
0.5 keep ratio - 0.2 conf - NMS \; 10 & 0.240 & 0.220 & 0.265 \\
% entropy thresh: 1.2 for Bayesian - 2 is best, 0.4 for 3
% entropy thresh: 0.7 for Bayesian - 6 is best, 1.5 for 7
% 1.7 for 8, 2.0 for 9
\caption{Rounded results for chairs class. SSD with Entropy test and Bayesian SSD are represented with
their best performing macro averaging entropy threshold with respect to \(F_1\) score. }
Forward & max & Recall & Precision\\
Passes & \(F_1\) Score & \multicolumn{2}{c}{at max \(F_1\) point} \\
vanilla SSD - 0.01 conf & 0.233 & \textbf{0.175} & 0.348 \\
vanilla SSD - 0.2 conf & 0.231 & 0.173 & \textbf{0.350} \\
SSD with Entropy test - 0.01 conf & \textbf{0.233} & \textbf{0.175} & 0.350 \\
% entropy thresh: 1.7 for vanilla SSD is best
Bay. SSD - no DO - 0.2 conf - no NMS \; 10 & 0.160 & 0.140 & 0.188 \\
no dropout - 0.2 conf - NMS \; 10 & 0.224 & 0.170 & 0.328 \\
0.9 keep ratio - 0.2 conf - NMS \; 10 & 0.220 & 0.170 & 0.311 \\
0.5 keep ratio - 0.2 conf - NMS \; 10 & 0.202 & 0.172 & 0.245 \\
% entropy thresh: 1.2 for Bayesian - 2 is best, 0.4 for 3
% entropy thresh: 0.7 for Bayesian - 6 is best, 1.5 for 7
% 1.7 for 8, 2.0 for 9
\caption{Rounded results for bottles class. SSD with Entropy test and Bayesian SSD are represented with
their best performing macro averaging entropy threshold with respect to \(F_1\) score. }
Forward & max & Recall & Precision\\
Passes & \(F_1\) Score & \multicolumn{2}{c}{at max \(F_1\) point} \\
vanilla SSD - 0.01 conf & \textbf{0.650} & \textbf{0.647} & \textbf{0.655} \\
vanilla SSD - 0.2 conf & \textbf{0.650} & \textbf{0.647} & \textbf{0.655} \\
SSD with Entropy test - 0.01 conf & \textbf{0.650} & \textbf{0.647} & \textbf{0.655} \\
% entropy thresh: 1.7 for vanilla SSD is best
Bay. SSD - no DO - 0.2 conf - no NMS \; 10 & 0.415 & 0.414 & 0.417 \\
no dropout - 0.2 conf - NMS \; 10 & 0.647 & 0.642 & 0.654 \\
0.9 keep ratio - 0.2 conf - NMS \; 10 & 0.637 & 0.634 & 0.642 \\
0.5 keep ratio - 0.2 conf - NMS \; 10 & 0.586 & 0.578 & 0.596 \\
% entropy thresh: 1.2 for Bayesian - 2 is best, 0.4 for 3
% entropy thresh: 0.7 for Bayesian - 6 is best, 1.5 for 7
% 1.7 for 8, 2.0 for 9
\caption{Rounded results for giraffe class. SSD with Entropy test and Bayesian SSD are represented with
their best performing macro averaging entropy threshold with respect to \(F_1\) score. }
\subsection*{Qualitative Analysis} \subsection*{Qualitative Analysis}
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