Written background for dropout sampling

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@ -144,8 +144,98 @@ with MS COCO classes.
\chapter{Background and Research Plan} \chapter{Background and Research Plan}
This chapter will provide a more in-depth look at the two works
this thesis is based upon. First, the dropout sampling introduced
by Miller et al\cite{Miller2018} will be showcased. Afterwards
the Generative Probabilistic Novelty Detection with Adversarial
Autoencoders\cite{Pidhorskyi2018} will be presented. The chapter
will conclude with a more detailed explanation of the intended
contribution of this thesis.
The dropout sampling explanation will follow the paper of Miller et
al\cite{Miller2018} rather closely including the formulae used
in their paper.
\section{Dropout Sampling} \section{Dropout Sampling}
To understand dropout sampling, it is necessary to explain the
idea of Bayesian neural networks. They place a prior distribution
over the network weights, for example a Gaussian prior distribution:
\(\mathbf{W} \sim \mathcal{N}(0, I)\). In this example
\(\mathbf{W}\) are the weights and \(I\) symbolises that every
weight is drawn from an independent and identical distribution. The
training of the network determines a plausible set of weights by
evaluating the posterior (probability output) over the weights given
the training data: \(p(\mathbf{W}|\mathbf{T})\). However, this
evaluation cannot be performed in any reasonable
time. Therefore approximation techniques are
required. In those techniques the posterior is fitted with a
simple distribution \(q^{*}_{\theta}(\mathbf{W})\). The original
and intractable problem of averaging over all weights in the network
is replaced with an optimisation task, where the parameters of the
simple distribution are optimised over\cite{Kendall2017}.
\subsubsection*{Dropout variational inference}
Kendall and Gal\cite{Kendall2017} showed an approximation for
classfication and recognition tasks. Dropout variational inference
is a practical approximation technique by adding dropout layers
in front of every weight layer and using them also during test
time to sample from the approximate posterior. Effectively, this
results in the approximation of the class probability
\(p(y|\mathcal{I}, \mathbf{T})\) by performing multiple forward
passes through the network and averaging over the obtained Softmax
scores \(\mathbf{s}_i\), given an image \(\mathcal{I}\) and the
training data \(\mathbf{T}\):
\begin{equation} \label{eq:drop-sampling}
p(y|\mathcal{I}, \mathbf{T}) = \int p(y|\mathcal{I}, \mathbf{W}) \cdot p(\mathbf{W}|\mathbf{T})d\mathbf{W} \approx \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n}\mathbf{s}_i
With this dropout sampling technique \(n\) model weights
\(\widetilde{\mathbf{W}}_i\) are sampled from the posterior
\(p(\mathbf{W}|\mathbf{T})\). The class probability
\(p(y|\mathcal{I}, \mathbf{T})\) is a probability vector
\(\mathbf{q}\) over all class labels. Finally, the uncertainty
of the network with respect to the classification is given by
the entropy \(H(\mathbf{q}) = - \sum_i q_i \cdot \log q_i\).
\subsubsection*{Dropout sampling for object detection}
Miller et al\cite{Miller2018} apply the dropout sampling to
object detection. In that case \(\mathbf{W}\) represents the
learned weights of a detection network like SSD\cite{Liu2016}.
Every forward pass uses a different network
\(\widetilde{\mathbf{W}}\) which is approximately sampled from
\(p(\mathbf{W}|\mathbf{T})\). Each forward pass in object
detection results in a set of detections, each consisting of bounding
box coordinates \(\mathbf{b}\) and softmax score \(\mathbf{s}\).
The detections are denoted by Miller et al as \(D_i =
\{\mathbf{s}_i,\mathbf{b}_i\}\). The detections of all passes are put
into a large set \(\mathfrak{D} = \{D_1, ..., D_2\}\).
All detections with mutual intersection-over-union scores (IoU)
of \(0.95\) or higher are defined as an observation \(\mathcal{O}_i\).
Subsequently, the corresponding vector of class probabilities
\(\mathbf{q}_i\) for the observation is calculated by averaging all
score vectors \(\mathbf{s}_j\) in a particular observation
\(\mathcal{O}_i\): \(\mathbf{q}_i \approx \overline{\mathbf{s}}_i = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{j=1}^{n} \mathbf{s}_j\). The label uncertainty
of the detector for a particular observation is measured by
the entropy \(H(\mathbf{q}_i) = - \sum_j q_{ij} \cdot \log q_{ij}\).
In the introduction I used a very reduced version to describe
maximum and low uncertainty. A more complete explanation:
If \(\mathbf{q}_i\), which I called averaged class probabilities,
resembles a uniform distribution the entropy will be high. A uniform
distribution means that no class is more likely than another, which
is a perfect example of maximum uncertainty. Conversely, if
one class has a very high probability the entropy will be low.
In open-set conditions it can be expected that falsely generated
detections for unknown object classes have a higher label
uncertainty. A treshold on the entropy \(H(\mathbf{q}_i)\) can then
be used to identify and reject these false positive cases.
\section{GPND} \section{GPND}
\section{Contribution} \section{Contribution}