
1.3 KiB

ALLRIS Scraper

This scraper requires your username and password and performs the following tasks for you:

  • login
  • download of all agendas and motions related to upcoming meetings of committees and plenary sessions
    • Only considers meetings where you already have been invited formally through ALLRIS.

IMPORTANT: As of now only the Hamburg district of Eimsbüttel is supported.


Initial setup

  1. Install ALLRIS scraper pip install twomartens.allrisscraper (you need Python 3.7+)
  2. Run ALLRIS scraper a first time tm-allrisscraper (creates config ini in your current working directory)
  3. Fill out the config file with your login credentials and an absolute path on your system to store PDFs of files

Usage after initial setup

Run ALLRIS scraper: tm-allrisscraper (takes a few seconds to finish)

In the specified location for download you will find the following structure:

  • YYYY-MM-DD_Abbreviation of committee or plenary session/ (one directory for each meeting)
  • files inside the directory Einladung.pdf (contains invitation), Mappe.pdf (contains all motions in one document), and Tagesordnung.pdf (agenda)