# VPS set up playbooks Contains ansible playbooks to set up VPS instances. ## Requirements A virtual host installed with Ubuntu Server 18. You will need the root password initially. You should have a password for the new SSH login user ready. Technical dependencies on host machine (Python 2.7 or 3.5+): * python / python3 * python-pip / python3-pip * python-apt / python3-apt Technical dependencies on managed machines: * python / python3 Install further dependencies on the host machine: ``pip install -r requirements.txt`` ## Usage After cloning the repo to your ansible host, copy ``hosts.example`` to ``hosts`` and fill the file appropriately. If you use Python 3 on the managed machine, you probably need to adapt the ``ansible_python_interpreter`` variable. Furthermore, you have to copy the ``*_vars.yml.example`` files and update the variable values. The initial setup assumes an OVH VPS machine (login via root password). If your machine already has a login user with passwordless sudo and a locked root password (Ubuntu default) then you can directly start with the other playbooks. As of now Ubuntu Server 18 installations are expected. * initial setup: ``ansible-playbook -i hosts initial-setup.yml --ask-pass`` * collabora setup: ``ansible-playbook -i hosts collabora.yml`` * drone setup: ``ansible-playbook -i hosts drone.yml`` * collabora + drone setup: ``ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml``