mirror of https://github.com/2martens/uni.git
238 lines
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238 lines
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\author{Jim Martens}
\title{Emails, Deadlines, Productivity}
\date{14. November 2014}
% Introduction
% Contents
% Terms
\item IMAP (preferred)
\item POP
\item SMTP
\item Ports
% Applications
\item Mozilla Thunderbird
\item Microsoft Office Outlook
\item Mozilla Firefox
\item Google Chrome
sudo apt-get install thunderbird
sudo yum install thunderbird
sudo pacman -S thunderbird
Install Lightning addon
\begin{frame}{Add email address}
Add @inf email address
\begin{frame}{Filter basics}
\item client-side
\item must be repeated on each client
\item useful for (additional) junk filter
\item server-side
\item setup once, use on each client
\item preferred way
\item Open browser
\item Navigate to https://webmail.informatik.uni-hamburg.de
\item Login with @inf credentials
\item Navigate to ``Ordner''
\item Create one folder for each mailing list (e.g. mafia@inf, stud@inf, bacc@inf, fs-inf@inf)
\item Navigate to ``Filter''
\item Create one rule for each mailing list
\item Repeat above steps whenever you join a new mailing list
\item Click on header of mail account
\item Click on ``Manage message filters''
\item Create the filters you want
\item CALDav
\item iCal
\item Calendars are extremely useful
\begin{frame}{Mafiasi calendars}
\item KBS\footnote{\url{ https://sogo.mafiasi.de/SOGo/dav/mafiasi/Calendar/51B8-5425D480-5-7ED00B00/ }}
\item Fachschaft\footnote{\url{https://sogo.mafiasi.de/SOGo/dav/mafiasi/Calendar/51B8-5425D400-3-7ED00B00/ }}
\item Spieleabend\footnote{\url{https://sogo.mafiasi.de/SOGo/dav/mafiasi/Calendar/51B8-5425D380-1-7ED00B00/ }}
\item Thunderbird addon
\item understands CALDav
\item tasks
\item events (invite others)
\item text-only mails
\item begin answer below quote
\item don't show alert if new message
\item don't play sound if new message
\item check for missing attachment
\item automatically add outgoing mails to my ``Collected Addresses''
\item tell sites you don't want to be tracked
\item mark messages marked as junk as read
\item enable adaptive junk filter logging
\item move junk messages to ``Junk'' folder
\item don't mark messages automatically as read
\item don't only show display name for people in your address book
\item have mail client open all the time
\item don't look at it all the time
\item whenever you have time, look at it
\item scan new/unread mails (info mails, action mails and general mails, personal mails)
\item answer all action mails that require less than 5 minutes time
\item once answered, mark them as read
\item leave mails, you still have to respond to, marked as unread
\section*{Final Words}
\item<1-> use a mail client (Thunderbird)
\item<2-> use a local calendar (e.g. Lightning addon for Thunderbird)
\item<3-> read your mails at least daily (part of workflow)
\item<4-> be productive
\item<5> be better
\item Email: 2martens@inf
\item Jabber: 12martens
\item twitter.com/2martens
\item github.com/frmwrk123 (personal)
\item github.com/2martens (organization)
\item www.2martens.de/web-platform