
498 lines
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% Meta informations:
\newcommand{\trauthor}{Jim Martens}
\newcommand{\trtype}{Seminar} %{Proseminar} %{Seminar} %{Workshop}
\newcommand{\trcourse}{Knowledge Processing with Neural Networks}
\newcommand{\trtitle}{Catastrophic Forgetting and Neuromodulation}
\newcommand{\trinstitute}{Dept. Informatik -- Knowledge Technology, WTM}
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\institute{Universit\"at Hamburg\\\trinstitute}
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\item robots need to learn continuously to adapt to new situations
\item need to get feedback when they should learn (2nd environmental
feedback loop)
\item must not forget previously learned tasks
\item therefore solution for catastrophic forgetting is required
% \frametitle{Outline}
% \tableofcontents
% Your Content
\section{Basics and Definition}
\frametitle{Catastrophic Forgetting}
\item networks completely forgets previously learned tasks
\item originally discovered by \cite{McCloskey1989}
\item radical example of "stability-plasticity" problem\footnote{\cite{Grossberg1982}}
\item learning is described as plasticity
\item definition of synaptic plasticity given in \cite{Citri2008}
\item changing weights is already considered plasticity
\frametitle{Modulated Neural Network}
\item \cite{Toutounji2016} use neuromodulator cells (NMCs)
\item spatial representation in the network
\frametitle{Linearly Modulated Neural Network\footnote{abbreviation: LMNN}}
\item specific type of Modulated Neural Network (MNN)
\item uses discrete time
\item both random search and gaussian walk use this type of network
\frametitle{Modulated Random Search}
\item weight change can happen any time
\item new weight chosen randomly from given interval
\item weight change probability is 2nd environmental feedback loop
\frametitle{Modulated Gaussian Walk}
\item introduced by \cite{Toutounji2016}
\item new weights are sum of old weight and value sampled from normal distribution
\item distribution has mean of zero and \(\sigma^2\) variance
\item sampled value can be infinitely large
\item resampling until old weight + sampled value within interval
\frametitle{Localized Learning}
\item introduced by \cite{Velez2017}
\frametitle{Localized Learning}
\item solves foraging task
\item agent has lifetime of three years, each year has summer and winter
\item in each season agent presented with food
\item target is fitness value
\item initial weights from evolutionary algorithm
\item two sources of neuromodulators (2nd environmental feedback loop)
\frametitle{Experiment Setup}
\frametitle{Modulated Random Search}
\item even almost stable networks are destroyed if slightest weakness
\frametitle{Modulated Gaussian Walk}
\item more likely to improve temporary solutions with weaknesses
\item in combined task: twice as many temporary solutions that last longer
than 5 minutes
\item mitigates catastrophic forgetting but does not remove it
\frametitle{Localized Learning}
\item two functional modules formed
\item connections which learn in summer do not change in winter and vice
\item completely removed catastrophic forgetting
\item difference between random search and gaussian walk was learning rule
\item localized learning uses Hebbian learning
\item all use some form of diffusion-based neuromodulation
\item random search is not useful to solve catastrophic forgetting
\item gaussian walk significantly reduces it
\item localized learning solves it in very bespoke setup
\item LMNN architecture likely better suited for more problems than
sources architecture
\item Hebbian learning more useful for localized learning
\item localized learning only works if feedback for all sub-tasks is
\item random search is not useful to solve catastrophic forgetting
\item gaussian walk significantly reduces it
\item localized learning solves it in very bespoke setup
Future work:
\item comparison of LMNN architecture with "sources" architecture of
localized learning
\item comparison of Hebbian learning rule with gaussian walk learning rule
\item researching applicability of localized learning to bigger problems
% \frametitle{The End}
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% Thank you for your attention.\\[1ex]
% Any question(s)?\\[5ex]
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