
132 lines
4.9 KiB

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\author{Jim 2martens}
\title{31C3 Cryptocalypse NOW}
\date{30. Januar 2015}
% Introduction
\begin{frame}{Looking back}
\item 2014-12-27
\item<2-> 2014-12-28
\item Laura Poitras
\item Jacob Appelbaum
\item<3-> 2015-01-18
\item NSA can attack through internet - even physically
\item everything even worse than expected
\item situation is f*cked up
\item a bit of hope
\item give 'em hell
\item use TrueCrypt \&\&
\item use Tor \&\&
\item use PGP \&\&
\item use OTR
\item<2-> don't make it easy
\item<3-> DON'T USE Windows \&\&
\item<4-> DON'T USE iSomething \&\&
\item<5-> DON'T USE Amazon Kindle \&\&
\item<6-> ...
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. (Benjamin Franklin)
Bravery is not an absence of fear. It is continuing to do things even when you are afraid - because you know it is the right thing to do. (Jacob Appelbaum)
\begin{frame}{Goals for 2015}
\item every student on mafia@ uses mail encryption
\item every teacher at the department uses mail encryption
\item make (practical) mail encryption a part of the curriculum (instead of IKON 1/2?; during OE?)
\item key signing parties more regularly (once per semester)