KBS: PHP-Vortrag erstellt

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Jim Martens 2014-04-30 13:32:54 +02:00
parent 07c06d0cd3
commit d3813d3533
1 changed files with 257 additions and 0 deletions

sonstiges/PHP-Vortrag.tex Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
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\author{Jim Martens}
\title{PHP (Un-)Wahrheiten}
\date{02. Juni 2014}
% Introduction
% Motivation
"`PHP ist keine Programmiersprache."'
"`PHP ist eine Programmiersprache."'
"`PHP ist eine Skriptsprache."'
"`PHP hat eine inkonsistente API."'
"`PHP ist hässlich."'
"`PHP ist eine Templatesprache."'
% Contents
% History
\begin{frame}{Von den Anfängen...}
\item 1994: CGI binaries by Rasmus Lerdorf written in C \\ (Personal Homepage Tools bzw. PHP Tools)
\item June 1995: Rewrite of PHP Tools with database interaction and more
\item September 1995: Forms Interpreter (FI) with Perl-like variables, HTML embedded syntax, automatic interpretation of form variables
\item October 1995: Personal Home Page Construction Kit
\item April 1996: PHP/FI (another complete makeover) \\
with DBM, mSQL, Postgres95, cookies, user-defined function support and more
\item June 1996: PHP/FI gets version 2.0 status
\frametitle{Von den Anfängen...}
Beispielcode von PHP/FI:
<!--include /text/header.html-->
<!--getenv HTTP_USER_AGENT-->
<!--ifsubstr $exec_result Mozilla-->
Hey, you are using Netscape!<p>
\begin{frame}{Von den Anfängen...}
\item 1997/8: several thousand users around the world
\item May 1998: Netcraft survey: 60,000 domains use PHP \\ ($1\%$ of all domains at that time use PHP)
\begin{frame}{...zu einer Programmiersprache...}
\item 1997: Andi Gutmans and Zeev Suraski (Tel Aviv, Israel) began another complete rewrite of the parser
\item they approached Rasmus and the three decided to collaborate \\
in development of new, independent programming language
\item this language was released under PHP meaning PHP Hypertext Preprocessor
\item offered strong extensibility features, OOP support and more powerful and consistent language syntax
\item June 1998: PHP 3.0 was announced as successor to PHP/FI 2.0
\begin{frame}{...mit einer neuen Engine...}
\item winter 1998: Andi Gutmans and Zeev Suraski started work on rewrite of Core
\item new engine was named Zend Engine (comprised of the first names, Zeev and Andi)
\item mid 1999: first introduction of new engine
\item May 2000: official release of PHP 4.0
\begin{frame}{...und neuem Objektmodell sowie vielen weiteren Features.}
\item July 2004: release of PHP 5.0 with Zend Engine 2.0
\item November 2005: release of PHP 5.1 with PDOs
\item November 2006: release of PHP 5.2 with native JSON support
\item June 2009: release of PHP 5.3 with namespaces, late static binding, native closures, GC for circular references, mysqlnd, etc.
\item March 2012: release of PHP 5.4 with traits, short array syntax support, built-in web server
\item June 2013: release of PHP 5.5 with generator support, finally blocks for exception handling, OpCache in official distribution
\item February 2014: $82\%$ aller Websites, deren serverseitige Programmiersprache bekannt ist, nutzen PHP
namespace test;
class Schwachsinn {
const KONSTANTE = 4;
public static $publicClassVariable = array(
'userID' => 4,
'username' => 'Max'
protected static $protClassVar = array(4,5,6);
private static $privateClassVariable = 4;
public $publicObjectVariable = array();
protected $protectedObjectVariable = '';
private $privateObjectVariable = null;
* Initializes an object of Schwachsinn.
public function __construct() {
protected function init() {
echo $this->protectedObjectVariable.
class Schwachsinn2 extends Schwachsinn {
public static $publicClassVariable = array(
'userID' => 5,
'username' => 'Mustermann'
protected $protectedObjectVariable = 'Hallo';
// what is echoed?
$object = new Schwachsinn2();
$object2 = new Schwachsinn();
\subsection{Design Patterns}
\begin{frame}{Täglich grüßt das Murmeltier...}
\item<2-> MVC
\item<3-> Singleton
\item<4-> Listener
\item<5-> Fabrik
\item<6-> Dependency Injection
PHP in tatsächlicher Verwendung:
\item Symfony2
\item Woltlab Community Framework (WCF)
\item Wordpress
\item \url{php.net/manual/en/history.php.php}
\item \url{w3techs.com/technologies/overview/programming_language/all}
\item \url{php.net/ChangeLog-5.php}