[ES] Finished 6.1

Signed-off-by: Jim Martens <github@2martens.de>
This commit is contained in:
Jim Martens 2015-07-07 16:28:01 +02:00
parent 19f7cfc78f
commit b1733ead11
1 changed files with 64 additions and 51 deletions

View File

@ -153,20 +153,13 @@ void setup()
void loop()
// write my data
printString(9, 33, "Jim", 3);
printString(19, 21, "Martens", 7);
printString(29, 21, "6420323", 7);
// write his data
printString(9, 21, "Joachim", 7);
printString(19, 6, "Schmidberger", 12);
printString(29, 21, "6536496", 7);
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
String command = Serial.readString();
@ -289,16 +282,21 @@ int printString(int x, int y, const char* text, int textLength)
bool writeError = false;
for (int i = 0; i < textLength; i++) {
char character = text[i];
int result = 0;
// write dash
if (actualY > 72) {
if ((actualY + 6) > 72) {
printChar(actualX, actualY, '-');
actualX += 10;
actualY = y;
result = printChar(actualX, actualY, character);
int result = printChar(actualX, actualY, character);
if (!result) {
else {
result = printChar(actualX, actualY, character);
actualY += 6;
if (result != 0) {
// the character would be out of the display x bounds
writeError = true;
@ -306,8 +304,9 @@ int printString(int x, int y, const char* text, int textLength)
if (writeError) {
return 0;
printString(3, 20, "Too long text", 13);
printString(3, 20, "Too long", 8);
return 0;
@ -329,7 +328,7 @@ void printImage(int x, int y, int rows, int cols, const int* pixels)
int maxIndex = rows * cols;
for (int i = 0; i < maxIndex; i++) {
if (currentY == cols) {
if (currentY == (y + cols)) {
currentY = y;
@ -343,25 +342,16 @@ void printImage(int x, int y, int rows, int cols, const int* pixels)
* Reads the contents of a text file into a string.
* Returns an empty string on failure.
* @param File file
* @param char* text
const char* readString(File file)
void readString(File file, char* text, unsigned long fileSize)
if (file) {
unsigned long fileSize = file.size();
char result[fileSize];
int readBytes = file.readBytesUntil('\n', result, fileSize);
result[readBytes] = '\0';
int readBytes = file.readBytesUntil('\n', text, fileSize);
text[readBytes] = '\0';
readStringLength = readBytes + 1;
return result;
else {
// something happened
return "";
readStringLength = readBytes;
@ -371,18 +361,18 @@ const char* readString(File file)
* @param const int* input
* @param int length
* @param char delimeter
* @param int* result
const int* explodeString(const char* input, int length, char delimeter)
void explodeString(const char* input, int length, char delimeter, int* result)
int result[length] = {};
char tmp[length] = {};
char tmp[length];
int nthChar = 0;
int nthInt = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
char currentChar = input[i];
if (currentChar != delimeter) {
tmp[nthChar] = input[i];
tmp[nthChar] = currentChar;
else {
@ -390,12 +380,17 @@ const int* explodeString(const char* input, int length, char delimeter)
tmp[nthChar] = '\0';
result[nthInt] = (int) strtol(tmp, &end, 10);
nthChar = 0;
memset(&tmp[0], 0, sizeof(tmp));
memset(&tmp[0], 0, length);
return result;
char *end;
tmp[nthChar] = '\0';
result[nthInt] = (int) strtol(tmp, &end, 10);
nthChar = 0;
memset(&tmp[0], 0, length);
@ -413,7 +408,7 @@ void handleCommand(String command)
int indexP2 = command.indexOf(')');
String command2 = command;
if (command2 != existCommand && command2 != showCommand) {
Serial.println("Use doesFileExist(<file>) or showFile(<file>)");
@ -421,9 +416,12 @@ void handleCommand(String command)
String parameter = command.substring(indexP1 + 1);
char paramChar[parameter.length() + 1];
parameter.toCharArray(paramChar, parameter.length() + 1);
paramChar[parameter.length()] = '\0';
if (command2 == existCommand) {
bool fileExists = SD.exists(parameter);
bool fileExists = SD.exists(paramChar);
Serial.print("Does file exist? ");
Serial.println(fileExists ? "Yes" : "No");
@ -444,27 +442,42 @@ void showFile(String fileName)
int extPos = fileName.indexOf('.');
String ext = fileName.substring(extPos + 1);
isTextFile = (ext == "txt");
char fileNameChar[fileName.length() + 1];
fileName.toCharArray(fileNameChar, fileName.length() + 1);
fileNameChar[fileName.length()] = '\0';
if (SD.exists(fileName)) {
File file = SD.open(fileName);
if (SD.exists(fileNameChar)) {
File file = SD.open(fileNameChar);
unsigned long fileSize = file.size();
if (isTextFile) {
const char* text = readString(file);
char text[fileSize];
readString(file, text, fileSize);
printString(0, 0, text, readStringLength);
else {
const char* dimensions = readString(file);
char dimensions[fileSize];
readString(file, dimensions, fileSize);
int dimensionsLength = readStringLength;
const char* pixels = readString(file);
char pixels[fileSize];
readString(file, pixels, fileSize);
int pixelsLength = readStringLength;
// parse dimensions and pixels
const int* dimensionsInt = explodeString(dimensions, dimensionsLength, ',');
const int* pixelsInt = explodeString(pixels, pixelsLength, ',');
int dimensionsInt[2];
explodeString(dimensions, dimensionsLength, ',', dimensionsInt);
int pixelsInt[pixelsLength];
explodeString(pixels, pixelsLength, ',', pixelsInt);
// calculate x and y start positions
int rows = dimensionsInt[0];
int cols = dimensionsInt[1];
int x = (48 - rows) / 2;
int y = (84 - cols) / 2;
printImage(x, y, rows, cols, pixelsInt);