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% Meta informations:
\newcommand{\trauthor}{Jim Martens}
\newcommand{\trtype}{Proseminar Paper} %{Seminararbeit} %{Proseminararbeit}
\newcommand{\trcourse}{Proseminar Artificial Intelligence}
\newcommand{\trtitle}{Methods for understanding natural language}
\newcommand{\trarbeitsbereich}{Knowledge Technology, WTM}
% Languages:
% Falls die Ausarbeitung in Deutsch erfolgt:
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% If the thesis is written in English:
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%Usage:%\begin{axiom}[optional description]%Main part%\end{fakt}
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%Additional types of definitions:
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% Document:
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% Cover Header:
Universit\"at Hamburg\\
Department Informatik\\
\huge \trtitle\\
\Large \trauthor\\
\normalsize Matr.Nr. \trmatrikelnummer\\
\Large \trdate
%backsite of cover sheet is empty!
% Abstract:
% Abstract gives a brief summary of the main points of a paper:
Your text here...
% Lists:
\setcounter{tocdepth}{2} % depth of the table of contents (for Seminars 2 is recommented)
% Content:
% the actual content, usually separated over a number of sections
% each section is assigned a label, in order to be able to put a
% crossreference to it
\item two kinds of natural language: spoken language and written language
\item will concentrate on written language
\item important method for written language: parsing
\item different approaches for the kind of grammar being used
\section{Evaluation of approaches}
\subsection{CYK, PCFG, lexicalized PCFG, DCG}
\item presents the context-free approach explained by Norvig and Russel\cite{Russel2010}
\subsection{Link Grammar}
\item presents an alternative to PCFGs; referencing Sleator here\cite{Sleator1993}
\subsection{Dependency grammar}
\item presents dependency grammar here, referencing Paskin\cite{Paskin2001}
\subsection{Categorial grammar}
\item presents categorial grammars, using Clark\cite{Clark2004} here
\section{Critical discussion}
\item summarizes the results of the critical discussion
\item depending on the results: may give an advice which approach is more useful/easier etc.
% hier werden - zum Ende des Textes - die bibliographischen Referenzen
% eingebunden
% Insbesondere stehen die eigentlichen Informationen in der Datei
% ``bib.bib''
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Bibliography}% Add to the TOC