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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018 Timon Brüning, Inga Kempfert, Anne Kunstmann, Jim Martens,
# Marius Pierenkemper, Yanneck Reiss
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Functionality to evaluate results of networks.
get_number_gt_per_class(...): calculates the number of ground truth boxes per class
get_f1_score(...): computes the F1 score for every class
match_predictions(...): matches predictions to ground truth boxes
from typing import Sequence, Union, Tuple, List
import numpy as np
from twomartens.masterthesis.ssd_keras.bounding_box_utils import bounding_box_utils
def get_number_gt_per_class(labels: Sequence[Sequence[Sequence[int]]],
nr_classes: int) -> np.ndarray:
Calculates the number of ground truth boxes per class and returns result.
labels: list of labels per image
nr_classes: number of classes
numpy array with respective counts
number_gt_per_class = np.zeros(shape=(nr_classes + 1),
label_range = range(len(labels))
# iterate over images
for i in label_range:
boxes = np.asarray(labels[i])
# iterate over boxes in image
for j in range(boxes.shape[0]):
class_id = int(boxes[j, 0])
number_gt_per_class[class_id] += 1
return number_gt_per_class
def prepare_predictions(predictions: Sequence[Sequence[Sequence[Union[int, float]]]],
nr_classes: int) -> \
List[List[Tuple[int, float, float, int, int, int, int]]]:
Prepares the predictions for further processing.
predictions: list of predictions per image
nr_classes: number of classes
list of predictions per class
results = [list() for _ in range(nr_classes + 1)]
for i, batch_item in enumerate(predictions):
image_id = i
for box in batch_item:
class_id = int(box[0])
# Round the box coordinates to reduce the required memory.
confidence = box[1]
entropy = box[2]
xmin = round(box[3])
ymin = round(box[4])
xmax = round(box[5])
ymax = round(box[6])
prediction = (image_id, confidence, entropy, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
# Append the predicted box to the results list for its class.
return results
def match_predictions(predictions: Sequence[Sequence[Tuple[int, float, float, int, int, int, int]]],
labels: Sequence[Sequence[Sequence[int]]],
iou_func: callable,
nr_classes: int,
iou_threshold: float,
border_pixels: str = "include",
sorting_algorithm: str = "quicksort") -> Tuple[List[np.ndarray], List[np.ndarray],
List[np.ndarray], List[np.ndarray],
Matches predictions to ground truth boxes.
predictions: list of predictions
labels: list of labels per image
iou_func: function to calculate the intersection over union
nr_classes: number of classes
iou_threshold: only matches higher than this value will be considered
border_pixels: How to treat the border pixels of the bounding boxes.
Can be 'include', 'exclude', or 'half'. If 'include', the border pixels belong
to the boxes. If 'exclude', the border pixels do not belong to the boxes.
If 'half', then one of each of the two horizontal and vertical borders belong
to the boxes, but not the other.
sorting_algorithm: Which sorting algorithm the matching algorithm should use. This
argument accepts any valid sorting algorithm for Numpy's `argsort()` function.
You will usually want to choose between 'quicksort' (fastest and most memory efficient,
but not stable) and 'mergesort' (slight slower and less memory efficient, but stable).
The official Matlab evaluation algorithm uses a stable sorting algorithm, so this algorithm
is only guaranteed to behave identically if you choose 'mergesort' as the sorting algorithm,
but it will almost always behave identically even if you choose 'quicksort' (but no guarantees).
true positives, false positives, cumulative true positives, and cumulative false positives for
each class, open set error as defined by Miller et al
true_positives = [[]] # The false positives for each class, sorted by descending confidence.
false_positives = [[]] # The true positives for each class, sorted by descending confidence.
open_set_error = 0
cumulative_true_positives = [[]]
cumulative_false_positives = [[]]
for class_id in range(1, nr_classes + 1):
predictions_class = predictions[class_id]
# Store the matching results in these lists:
true_pos = np.zeros(len(predictions_class), # 1 for every prediction that is a true positive, 0 otherwise
false_pos = np.zeros(len(predictions_class), # 1 for every prediction that is a false positive, 0 otherwise
# In case there are no predictions at all for this class, we're done here.
if len(predictions_class) == 0:
cumulative_true_pos = np.cumsum(true_pos) # Cumulative sums of the true positives
cumulative_false_pos = np.cumsum(false_pos) # Cumulative sums of the false positives
# Convert the predictions list for this class into a structured array so that we can sort it by confidence.
# Create the data type for the structured array.
preds_data_type = np.dtype([('image_id', np.int32),
('confidence', 'f4'),
('entropy', 'f4'),
('xmin', 'f4'),
('ymin', 'f4'),
('xmax', 'f4'),
('ymax', 'f4')])
# Create the structured array
predictions_class = np.array(predictions_class, dtype=preds_data_type)
# Sort the detections by decreasing confidence.
descending_indices = np.argsort(-predictions_class['confidence'], kind=sorting_algorithm)
predictions_sorted = predictions_class[descending_indices]
# Keep track of which ground truth boxes were already matched to a detection.
gt_matched = {}
for i in range(len(predictions_class)):
prediction = predictions_sorted[i]
image_id = prediction['image_id']
# Convert the structured array element to a regular array
pred_box = np.asarray(list(prediction[['xmin', 'ymin', 'xmax', 'ymax']]))
# Get the relevant ground truth boxes for this prediction,
# i.e. all ground truth boxes that match the prediction's
# image ID and class ID.
gt = labels[image_id]
gt = np.asarray(gt)
class_mask = gt[:, 0] == class_id
gt = gt[class_mask]
if gt.size == 0:
# If the image doesn't contain any objects of this class,
# the prediction becomes a false positive.
false_pos[i] = 1
open_set_error += 1
# Compute the IoU of this prediction with all ground truth boxes of the same class.
overlaps = iou_func(boxes1=gt[:, [1, 2, 3, 4]],
# For each detection, match the ground truth box with the highest overlap.
# It's possible that the same ground truth box will be matched to multiple
# detections.
gt_match_index = np.argmax(overlaps)
gt_match_overlap = overlaps[gt_match_index]
if gt_match_overlap < iou_threshold:
# False positive, IoU threshold violated:
# Those predictions whose matched overlap is below the threshold become
# false positives.
false_pos[i] = 1
if image_id not in gt_matched:
# True positive:
# If the matched ground truth box for this prediction hasn't been matched to a
# different prediction already, we have a true positive.
true_pos[i] = 1
gt_matched[image_id] = np.zeros(shape=(gt.shape[0]), dtype=np.bool)
gt_matched[image_id][gt_match_index] = True
elif not gt_matched[image_id][gt_match_index]:
# True positive:
# If the matched ground truth box for this prediction hasn't been matched to a
# different prediction already, we have a true positive.
true_pos[i] = 1
gt_matched[image_id][gt_match_index] = True
# False positive, duplicate detection:
# If the matched ground truth box for this prediction has already been matched
# to a different prediction previously, it is a duplicate detection for an
# already detected object, which counts as a false positive.
false_pos[i] = 1
cumulative_true_pos = np.cumsum(true_pos) # Cumulative sums of the true positives
cumulative_false_pos = np.cumsum(false_pos) # Cumulative sums of the false positives
return true_positives, false_positives, cumulative_true_positives, cumulative_false_positives, open_set_error
def get_precision_recall(number_gt_per_class: np.ndarray,
cumulative_true_positives: Sequence[np.ndarray],
cumulative_false_positives: Sequence[np.ndarray],
nr_classes: int) -> Tuple[List[np.ndarray], List[np.ndarray]]:
Computes the precision and recall values and returns them.
number_gt_per_class: number of ground truth bounding boxes per class
cumulative_true_positives: cumulative true positives per class
cumulative_false_positives: cumulative false positives per class
nr_classes: number of classes
cumulative precisions and cumulative recalls per class
cumulative_precisions = [[]]
cumulative_recalls = [[]]
# Iterate over all classes.
for class_id in range(1, nr_classes + 1):
if number_gt_per_class[class_id] == 0:
tp = cumulative_true_positives[class_id]
fp = cumulative_false_positives[class_id]
cumulative_precision = np.where(tp + fp > 0, tp / (tp + fp), 0) # 1D array with shape `(num_predictions,)`
cumulative_recall = tp / number_gt_per_class[class_id] # 1D array with shape `(num_predictions,)`
return cumulative_precisions, cumulative_recalls
def get_f1_score(cumulative_precisions: List[np.ndarray],
cumulative_recalls: List[np.ndarray],
nr_classes: int) -> List[np.ndarray]:
Computes the F1 score for every class.
cumulative_precisions: cumulative precisions for each class
cumulative_recalls: cumulative recalls for each class
nr_classes: number of classes
cumulative F1 score per class
cumulative_f1_scores = [[]]
# iterate over all classes
for class_id in range(1, nr_classes + 1):
cumulative_precision = cumulative_precisions[class_id]
cumulative_recall = cumulative_recalls[class_id]
if not np.count_nonzero(cumulative_precision + cumulative_recall):
f1_score = 2 * ((cumulative_precision * cumulative_recall) / (cumulative_precision + cumulative_recall + 0.001))
return cumulative_f1_scores
def get_mean_average_precisions(cumulative_precisions: List[np.ndarray],
cumulative_recalls: List[np.ndarray],
nr_classes: int) -> List[float]:
Computes the mean average precision for each class and returns them.
cumulative_precisions: cumulative precisions for each class
cumulative_recalls: cumulative recalls for each class
nr_classes: number of classes
average precision per class
average_precisions = [0.0]
# Iterate over all classes.
for class_id in range(1, nr_classes + 1):
cumulative_precision = cumulative_precisions[class_id]
cumulative_recall = cumulative_recalls[class_id]
# We will compute the precision at all unique recall values.
unique_recalls, unique_recall_indices, unique_recall_counts = np.unique(cumulative_recall,
# Store the maximal precision for each recall value and the absolute difference
# between any two unique recall values in the lists below. The products of these
# two numbers constitute the rectangular areas whose sum will be our numerical
# integral.
maximal_precisions = np.zeros_like(unique_recalls)
recall_deltas = np.zeros_like(unique_recalls)
# Iterate over all unique recall values in reverse order. This saves a lot of computation:
# For each unique recall value `r`, we want to get the maximal precision value obtained
# for any recall value `r* >= r`. Once we know the maximal precision for the last `k` recall
# values after a given iteration, then in the next iteration, in order compute the maximal
# precisions for the last `l > k` recall values, we only need to compute the maximal precision
# for `l - k` recall values and then take the maximum between that and the previously computed
# maximum instead of computing the maximum over all `l` values.
# We skip the very last recall value, since the precision after the last recall value
# 1.0 is defined to be zero.
for i in range(len(unique_recalls) - 2, -1, -1):
begin = unique_recall_indices[i]
end = unique_recall_indices[i + 1]
# When computing the maximal precisions, use the maximum of the previous iteration to
# avoid unnecessary repeated computation over the same precision values.
# The maximal precisions are the heights of the rectangle areas of our integral under
# the precision-recall curve.
maximal_precisions[i] = np.maximum(np.amax(cumulative_precision[begin:end]),
maximal_precisions[i + 1])
# The differences between two adjacent recall values are the widths of our rectangle areas.
recall_deltas[i] = unique_recalls[i + 1] - unique_recalls[i]
average_precision = np.sum(maximal_precisions * recall_deltas)
return average_precisions
def get_mean_average_precision(average_precisions: List[float]) -> float:
Computes the mean average precision over all classes and returns it.
average_precisions: list of average precisions per class
mean average precision over all classes
average_precisions = np.copy(average_precisions)
average_precisions = average_precisions[average_precisions != 0.0]
return np.average(average_precisions[:])