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# Masterthesis
> Allows reproduction of results in my masterthesis.
2018-11-27 14:45:31 +01:00
![Python versions][pypi-python-versions]
The package supports testing and evaluating SSD and Bayesian SSD. The results
can be visualised.
## Installation
pip install twomartens.masterthesis
pip install git+
The second line is important as Git dependencies cannot be specified in the ``
Please refer to [GPU support][tf-gpu-support] for instructions on
installing the non-Python dependencies for `tensorflow`.
Type the following to create the configuration file and to see the options:
tm-masterthesis config list
Especially the paths have to be set to the correct values.
## Usage example
tm-masterthesis --help
Lists all available commands. As most commands are nested, it is advisable to
request the help at different nesting levels.
tm-masterthesis config {get,set,list}
Allows for the modification and retrieval of the configuration values.
tm-masterthesis test {ssd,bayesian_ssd} iteration train_iteration
Tests the selected network, using `iteration` as identifier for the test run
and `train_iteration` as identifier for the training iteration. If the config
parameter `ssd_test_pretrained` is `True` then the training iteration is
not relevant.
tm-masterthesis evaluate {ssd,bayesian_ssd} iteration
Runs the evaluation process using the test results identified by `iteration`,
evaluation results are saved under `iteration` under the evaluation path.
tm-masterthesis visualise_metrics {ssd,bayesian_ssd} iteration
Uses the evaluation results stored under `iteration` and visualises
it. The score JSON and the figure images are stored under `iteration`
in a `visualise` folder under the output path.
There are more commands but the rest can be very tightly linked to requirements
in the masterthesis and might therefore not be of interest generally.
## Development setup
Clone the repository locally. Then execute the following commands inside
the repository:
git submodule init
git submodule update
pip install -e .
pip install git+
## Release History
* 0.1.0
* first release
## Meta
Jim Martens [@2martens](
Distributed under the Apache 2.0 license. See ``LICENSE`` for more information.
## Contributing
1. Fork it (<>)
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b feature/fooBar`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some fooBar'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin feature/fooBar`)
5. Create a new Pull Request
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