% main thesis file % first: let's determine the class we want to use \documentclass[12pt]{masterthesis} % we use our custom masterthesis class \KOMAoption{draft}{true} % set for "draft" mode, disable later % define "variables" \title{Test Thesis} \author{Jim Martens} \date{03. Januar 2019} \subject{} % value for pdfsubject \newcommand{\keywords}{CV} % value for pdfkeywords \newcommand{\studiengang}{Master Informatik} \newcommand{\faculty}{MIN-Fakult\"{a}t} \newcommand{\department}{Fachbereich Informatik} % define here to prevent building errors \newcommand{\professor}{} \newcommand{\matrikelnummer}{} \newcommand{\firstReviewer}{} \newcommand{\secondReviewer}{} % load protected variables \IfFileExists{./private/variables.tex}{% \input{./private/variables.tex} }{} % use custom package to prevent spamming the preamble \usepackage[licence, library]{masterthesis} % specify image location \graphicspath{{./images/}{./private/images/}} % specify bib resource \addbibresource{ma.bib} % begin document \begin{document} % invoke start command(s) from masterthesis package \start \input{body.tex} % invoke finish command(s) from masterthesis package \finish \end{document}