package de.dis2017; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; /** * Main class */ public class Main { private static ORM _orm; /** * Starts the application. */ public static void main(String[] args) { _orm = new ORM(); showMainMenu(); } /** * Shows the main menu. */ private static void showMainMenu() { // menu options final int MENU_AGENT = 0; final int MENU_ESTATES = 1; final int MENU_CONTRACTS = 2; final int QUIT = 3; // create menu Menu mainMenu = new Menu("Main menu"); mainMenu.addEntry("EstateAgent management", MENU_AGENT); mainMenu.addEntry("Estate management", MENU_ESTATES); mainMenu.addEntry("Contract management", MENU_CONTRACTS); mainMenu.addEntry("Quit", QUIT); // process input while(true) { int response =; switch(response) { case MENU_AGENT: if (checkPassword()) { showEstateAgentMenu(); } else { System.out.println("The password was wrong."); } break; case MENU_ESTATES: if (loginEstateAgent()) { showEstateMenu(); } else { System.out.println("The username or password was wrong."); } break; case MENU_CONTRACTS: showContractMenu(); break; case QUIT: return; } } } private static void showContractMenu() { // menu options final int INSERT_PERSON = 0; final int CREATE_CONTRACT = 1; final int OVERVIEW_CONTRACTS = 2; final int BACK = 3; // create menu Menu mainMenu = new Menu("Contract Menu"); mainMenu.addEntry("Insert person",INSERT_PERSON ); mainMenu.addEntry("Create/Sign contract", CREATE_CONTRACT); mainMenu.addEntry("Contracts overview", OVERVIEW_CONTRACTS); mainMenu.addEntry("Back", BACK); // process input while(true) { int response =; switch(response) { case INSERT_PERSON: newPerson(); break; case CREATE_CONTRACT: newContract(); break; case OVERVIEW_CONTRACTS: showContractsOverview(); break; case BACK: return; } } } private static void showContractsOverview() { List contracts = _orm.getAll(Type.CONTRACT); Menu listContracts = new Menu("Contracts Overview"); final int BACK = 0; for (Object o : contracts) { Contract contract = (Contract) o; listContracts.addEntry("Contract No: " + contract.getContractNo() + " Place: "+contract.getPlace() + "Date: "+contract.getDate(),contract.getContractNo()); } listContracts.addEntry("Back to the Contract management menu", BACK); // process input while(true) { int response =; switch (response) { case BACK: return; default: break; } } } private static void newContract() { Contract contract = new Contract(); //choose Estate from List printListOfEstates(); contract.setEstate(FormUtil.readInt("Estate")); //choose Person from List printListOfPersons(); contract.setPerson(FormUtil.readInt("Person")); contract.setPlace(FormUtil.readString("Place")); contract.setDate(FormUtil.readString("Date")); if(_orm.isApartment(contract.getEstate())){ TenancyContract tenContract = new TenancyContract(contract); tenContract.setStartDate(FormUtil.readString("Start Date")); tenContract.setDuration(FormUtil.readInt("Duration")); tenContract.setAdditionalCost(FormUtil.readInt("Additional Costs")); //_orm.persist(tenContract); } else{ PurchaseContract purContract = new PurchaseContract(contract); purContract.setNoOfInstallments(FormUtil.readInt("No of Installments")); purContract.setInterestRate(FormUtil.readInt("Interest Rate")); //_orm.persist(purContract); } } private static void newPerson() { Person person = new Person(); person.setFirstName(FormUtil.readString("First Name")); person.setName(FormUtil.readString("Name")); person.setAddress(FormUtil.readString("Address")); //_orm.persist(person); System.out.println("Person with the Name " + person.getFirstName() +" "+person.getName() + " was created."); } /** * Checks the password for sudo-like menu areas. */ private static boolean checkPassword() { System.out.println("Please insert the sudo password. You are entering dangerous territory."); String passwordInput = FormUtil.readPassword(); String sudoPassword = "ea-sudo"; return sudoPassword.equals(passwordInput); } /** * Performs a login for an estate agent. * * @return true if the login is successful, false otherwise */ private static boolean loginEstateAgent() { System.out.println("Please insert the username and password of a valid estate agent."); String username = FormUtil.readString("Username"); String passwordInput = FormUtil.readPassword(); EstateAgent agent = _orm.getAgent(username); return agent != null && agent.getPassword().equals(passwordInput); } /** * Shows the estate management menu. */ private static void showEstateMenu() { // menu options final int NEW_ESTATE = 0; final int LIST_ESTATES = 1; final int BACK = 2; // estate management menu Menu estateMenu = new Menu("Estate management"); estateMenu.addEntry("Create Estate", NEW_ESTATE); estateMenu.addEntry("List Estates", LIST_ESTATES); estateMenu.addEntry("Back to the main menu", BACK); // process input while(true) { int response =; switch(response) { case NEW_ESTATE: newEstate(); break; case LIST_ESTATES: listEstates(); break; case BACK: return; } } } /** * Creates a new estate agent after the usesr has entered the necessary data. */ private static void newEstate() { printListOfAgents(); String input = FormUtil.readString("Apartment(A)/House(H)"); boolean isApartment = input.equals("A") || input.equals("a"); Estate estate = new Estate(); estate.setStreet(FormUtil.readString("Street")); estate.setStreetNumber(FormUtil.readInt("Street Number")); estate.setPostalCode(FormUtil.readString("Postal Code")); estate.setCity(FormUtil.readString("City")); estate.setSquareArea(FormUtil.readInt("Square Area")); estate.setAgent(FormUtil.readInt("EstateAgent ID")); if(isApartment){ Apartment apartment = new Apartment(estate); apartment.setFloor(FormUtil.readInt("Floor")); apartment.setRooms(FormUtil.readInt("Rooms")); apartment.setRent(FormUtil.readInt("Rent")); input = FormUtil.readString("Balcony(Y/N)"); apartment.setBalcony(input.equals("Y") || input.equals("y")); input = FormUtil.readString("Built-in Kitchen(Y/N)"); apartment.setBuiltinKitchen(input.equals("Y") || input.equals("y")); } else{ House house = new House(estate); house.setPrice(FormUtil.readInt("Price")); house.setFloors(FormUtil.readInt("Floors")); input = FormUtil.readString("Garden(Y/N)"); house.setGarden(input.equals("Y") || input.equals("y")); } //_orm.persist(estate); System.out.println("Estate with the ID " + estate.getId() + " was created."); } /** * Lists estates. */ private static void listEstates() { List estates = _orm.getAll(Type.ESTATE); Menu listEstates = new Menu("Please select the estate you want to modify or delete"); System.out.println("List of Estates"); final int BACK = 0; for (Object o : estates) { Estate estate = (Estate) o; listEstates.addEntry("ID: " + estate.getId() + ", Address: " + estate.getStreet() + " " + estate.getStreetNumber() + ", " + estate.getPostalCode() + " " + estate.getCity(), estate.getId()); } listEstates.addEntry("Back to the Estate management menu", BACK); // process input while(true) { int response =; switch (response) { case BACK: return; default: showEstate(response); break; } } } /** * Shows a selected estate. * * @param id the id of the selected estate */ private static void showEstate(int id) { Estate estate = _orm.getEstate(id); System.out.println("Estate"); printEstateDetails(estate); final int MODIFY = 1; final int DELETE = 2; final int BACK = 3; Menu showEstateMenu = new Menu("Do you want to modify or delete the estate?"); showEstateMenu.addEntry("Modify", MODIFY); showEstateMenu.addEntry("Delete", DELETE); showEstateMenu.addEntry("Back to the list of estates", BACK); while(true) { int response =; switch (response) { case MODIFY: modifyEstate(estate); break; case DELETE: deleteEstate(estate); break; case BACK: return; } } } /** * Prints the estate details to command line. * * @param estate the estate from which the details should be printed to commandline */ private static void printEstateDetails(Estate estate) { System.out.println("------------------"); System.out.println("ID: " + estate.getId()); System.out.println("Street: " + estate.getStreet() + " " + estate.getStreetNumber()); System.out.println("PostalCode: " + estate.getPostalCode()); System.out.println("City: " + estate.getCity()); System.out.println("SquareArea: " + estate.getSquareArea()); EstateAgent agent = _orm.getAgent(estate.getAgent()); System.out.println("Agent: " + agent.getName()); if (estate instanceof House) { House house = (House) estate; System.out.println("Price: " + house.getPrice()); System.out.println("Floors: " + house.getFloors()); System.out.println("Garden: " + (house.hasGarden() ? "yes" : "false")); } else if (estate instanceof Apartment) { Apartment apartment = (Apartment) estate; System.out.println("Floor: " + apartment.getFloor()); System.out.println("Rooms: " + apartment.getRooms()); System.out.println("Rent: " + apartment.getRent()); System.out.println("Balcony: " + (apartment.hasBalcony() ? "yes" : "no")); System.out.println("Built-in Kitchen: " + (apartment.hasBuiltinKitchen() ? "yes" : "no")); } System.out.println("------------------"); } /** * Print a list of persons. */ private static void printListOfPersons() { List agents = _orm.getAll(Type.PERSON); System.out.println("List of Persons"); System.out.println("------------------"); for (Object o : agents) { Person person = (Person) o; System.out.println("Name: " + person.getFirstName()+" "+person.getName() +", Address: " + person.getAddress()); } System.out.println("------------------"); } /** * Print a list of estates. */ private static void printListOfEstates() { List agents = _orm.getAll(Type.ESTATE); System.out.println("List of Estates"); System.out.println("------------------"); for (Object o : agents) { Estate estate = (Estate) o; System.out.println("ID: " + estate.getId() + ", Address: " + estate.getStreet()+" "+estate.getStreetNumber()+", "+estate.getCity()); } System.out.println("------------------"); } /** * Print a list of agents. */ private static void printListOfAgents() { List agents = _orm.getAll(Type.ESTATEAGENT); System.out.println("List of EstateAgents"); System.out.println("------------------"); for (Object o : agents) { EstateAgent agent = (EstateAgent) o; System.out.println("ID: " + agent.getId() + ", Name: " + agent.getName()); } System.out.println("------------------"); } /** * Modify estate. * * @param estate the modified estate */ private static void modifyEstate(Estate estate) { System.out.println("Modify Estate"); printEstateDetails(estate); printListOfAgents(); estate.setStreet(FormUtil.readString("Street", estate.getStreet())); estate.setStreetNumber(FormUtil.readInt("Street Number", estate.getStreetNumber())); estate.setPostalCode(FormUtil.readString("Postal Code", estate.getPostalCode())); estate.setCity(FormUtil.readString("City", estate.getCity())); estate.setSquareArea(FormUtil.readInt("Square Area", estate.getSquareArea())); estate.setAgent(FormUtil.readInt("EstateAgent ID", estate.getAgent())); if (estate instanceof Apartment) { Apartment apartment = (Apartment) estate; apartment.setFloor(FormUtil.readInt("Floor", apartment.getFloor())); apartment.setRooms(FormUtil.readInt("Rooms", apartment.getRooms())); apartment.setRent(FormUtil.readInt("Rent", apartment.getRent())); String input = FormUtil.readString("Balcony(Y/N)", apartment.hasBalcony()?"Y":"N"); apartment.setBalcony(input.equals("Y") || input.equals("y")); input = FormUtil.readString("Built-in Kitchen(Y/N)", apartment.hasBuiltinKitchen()?"Y":"N"); apartment.setBuiltinKitchen(input.equals("Y") || input.equals("y")); } else if (estate instanceof House){ House house = (House) estate; house.setFloors(FormUtil.readInt("Floors", house.getFloors())); house.setPrice(FormUtil.readInt("Price", house.getPrice())); String input = FormUtil.readString("Garden(Y/N)", house.hasGarden()?"Y":"N"); house.setGarden(input.equals("Y") || input.equals("y")); } _orm.persist(estate); System.out.println("------------------"); System.out.println("Estate with the ID " + estate.getId() + " was modified."); } /** * Deletes an estate. * * @param estate the estate that should be deleted */ private static void deleteEstate(Estate estate) { _orm.delete(estate); System.out.println("Estate with the ID " + estate.getId() + " was deleted."); } /** * Shows the estate agent management. */ private static void showEstateAgentMenu() { // menu options final int NEW_AGENT = 0; final int LIST_AGENTS = 1; final int BACK = 2; // estate management menu Menu estateAgentMenu = new Menu("EstateAgent management"); estateAgentMenu.addEntry("Create EstateAgent", NEW_AGENT); estateAgentMenu.addEntry("List EstateAgents", LIST_AGENTS); estateAgentMenu.addEntry("Back to the main menu", BACK); // process input while(true) { int response =; switch(response) { case NEW_AGENT: newEstateAgent(); break; case LIST_AGENTS: listEstateAgents(); break; case BACK: return; } } } /** * Creates a new estate agent after the user has entered the necessary data. */ private static void newEstateAgent() { EstateAgent agent = new EstateAgent(); agent.setName(FormUtil.readString("Name")); agent.setAddress(FormUtil.readString("Address")); agent.setLogin(FormUtil.readString("Login")); agent.setPassword(FormUtil.readPassword()); _orm.persist(agent); System.out.println("EstateAgent with the ID " + agent.getId() + " was created."); } /** * List estate agents. */ private static void listEstateAgents() { // get all agents List agents = _orm.getAll(Type.ESTATEAGENT); Menu listEstateAgents = new Menu("Please select the estate agent you want to modify or delete"); System.out.println("List of EstateAgents"); final int BACK = 0; for (Object o : agents) { EstateAgent agent = (EstateAgent) o; listEstateAgents.addEntry("ID: " + agent.getId() + ", Name: " + agent.getName(), agent.getId()); } listEstateAgents.addEntry("Back to the EstateAgent management menu", BACK); // process input while(true) { int response =; switch (response) { case BACK: return; default: showEstateAgent(response); break; } } } /** * Shows a selected estate agent. * * @param id the id of the selected agent */ private static void showEstateAgent(int id) { EstateAgent agent = _orm.getAgent(id); System.out.println("EstateAgent"); System.out.println("------------------"); System.out.println("ID: " + id); System.out.println("Name: " + agent.getName()); System.out.println("Address: " + agent.getAddress()); System.out.println("Username: " + agent.getLogin()); System.out.println("------------------"); final int MODIFY = 1; final int DELETE = 2; final int BACK = 3; Menu showEstateAgentMenu = new Menu("Do you want to modify or delete the agent?"); showEstateAgentMenu.addEntry("Modify", MODIFY); showEstateAgentMenu.addEntry("Delete", DELETE); showEstateAgentMenu.addEntry("Back to the list of agents", BACK); while(true) { int response =; switch (response) { case MODIFY: modifyEstateAgent(agent); break; case DELETE: deleteEstateAgent(agent); break; case BACK: return; } } } /** * Modify estate agent. * * @param agent the modified agent */ private static void modifyEstateAgent(EstateAgent agent) { System.out.println("Modify EstateAgent"); System.out.println("------------------"); System.out.println("ID: " + agent.getId()); System.out.println("Name: " + agent.getName()); System.out.println("Address: " + agent.getAddress()); System.out.println("Username: " + agent.getLogin()); System.out.println("------------------"); agent.setName(FormUtil.readString("Name", agent.getName())); agent.setAddress(FormUtil.readString("Address", agent.getAddress())); agent.setLogin(FormUtil.readString("Username", agent.getLogin())); agent.setPassword(FormUtil.readPassword(agent.getPassword())); _orm.persist(agent); System.out.println("------------------"); System.out.println("Agent was modified."); } /** * Deletes an estate agent. * * @param agent the agent that should be deleted */ private static void deleteEstateAgent(EstateAgent agent) { _orm.delete(agent); System.out.println("EstateAgent with the ID " + agent.getId() + " was deleted."); } }