Changelog ========= This changelog contains a list of versions with their respective high-level changes. v0.5.8: - deal with yet another time format v0.5.7: - fixed README v0.5.6: - added additional pattern v0.5.5: - fixed missing len of pattern v0.5.4: - match video conference starts case insensitive v0.5.3: - fixed typo && added additional video conference start string v0.5.2: - fixed video conferences v0.5.1: - fixed login procedure v0.5.0: - added support for not public video conferences v0.4.1: - specify window size for internal scraping v0.4.0: - added public scraping support - added geckodriver path for internal scraping v0.3.7: - changed login link v0.3.6: - specified firefox binary to prevent start up issues v0.3.5: - covered case where not all types of documents are available - added ort.txt in document output, contains the location of the session v0.3.4: - fixed some typos - fixed not working badges v0.3.3: - added changelog - converted README to reStructuredText v0.3.2: document links now work if more than three documents are available v0.3.1: - fixed URL for invited sessions - fixed problems with headless mode for GUI-free systems v0.3.0: added support for multiple districts v0.2.2: - added support for official abbreviations of committees - detects now all invited sessions, not only every other v0.2.1: - finally fixed regional committees v0.2.0: - fixed regional committees part one v0.1.4: unified versions between README and v0.1.3: corrected link to Git repository v0.1.2: added nice badges v0.1.1: added main module v0.1.0: - initial release