
65 lines
2.7 KiB

"use strict";
// paths.js file
let paths = {};
// Directory locations.
paths.assetsDir = "_assets/"; // The files Gulp will handle.
paths.jekyllDir = ""; // The files Jekyll will handle.
paths.jekyllAssetsDir = "assets/"; // The asset files Jekyll will handle.
paths.siteDir = "_site/"; // The resulting static site.
paths.siteAssetsDir = "_site/assets/"; // The resulting static site's assets.
// Folder naming conventions.
paths.postFolderName = "_posts";
paths.draftFolderName = "_drafts";
paths.fontFolderName = "fonts";
paths.imageFolderName = "images";
paths.scriptFolderName = "js";
paths.stylesFolderName = "css";
// Asset files locations.
paths.sassFiles = paths.assetsDir + paths.stylesFolderName;
paths.jsFiles = paths.assetsDir + paths.scriptFolderName;
paths.imageFiles = paths.assetsDir + paths.imageFolderName;
paths.fontFiles = paths.assetsDir + paths.fontFolderName;
// Jekyll files locations.
paths.jekyllPostFiles = paths.jekyllDir + paths.postFolderName;
paths.jekyllDraftFiles = paths.jekyllDir + paths.draftFolderName;
paths.jekyllCssFiles = paths.jekyllAssetsDir + paths.stylesFolderName;
paths.jekyllJsFiles = paths.jekyllAssetsDir + paths.scriptFolderName;
paths.jekyllImageFiles = paths.jekyllAssetsDir + paths.imageFolderName;
paths.jekyllFontFiles = paths.jekyllAssetsDir + paths.fontFolderName;
// Site files locations.
paths.siteCssFiles = paths.siteAssetsDir + paths.stylesFolderName;
paths.siteJsFiles = paths.siteAssetsDir + paths.scriptFolderName;
paths.siteImageFiles = paths.siteAssetsDir + paths.imageFolderName;
paths.siteFontFiles = paths.siteAssetsDir + paths.fontFolderName;
// Glob patterns by file type.
paths.sassPattern = "/**/*.scss";
paths.jsPattern = "/**/*.js";
paths.imagePattern = "/**/*.+(jpg|JPG|jpeg|JPEG|png|PNG|svg|SVG|gif|GIF|webp|WEBP|tif|TIF)";
paths.markdownPattern = "/**/*.+(md|MD|markdown|MARKDOWN)";
paths.htmlPattern = "/**/*.html";
paths.xmlPattern = "/**/*.xml";
// Asset files globs
paths.sassFilesGlob = paths.sassFiles + paths.sassPattern;
paths.jsFilesGlob = paths.jsFiles + paths.jsPattern;
paths.imageFilesGlob = paths.imageFiles + paths.imagePattern;
// Jekyll files globs
paths.jekyllPostFilesGlob = paths.jekyllPostFiles + paths.markdownPattern;
paths.jekyllDraftFilesGlob = paths.jekyllDraftFiles + paths.markdownPattern;
paths.jekyllHtmlFilesGlob = paths.jekyllDir + paths.htmlPattern;
paths.jekyllXmlFilesGlob = paths.jekyllDir + paths.xmlPattern;
paths.jekyllImageFilesGlob = paths.jekyllImageFiles + paths.imagePattern;
// Site files globs
paths.siteHtmlFilesGlob = paths.siteDir + paths.htmlPattern;
module.exports = paths;