name: Jim Martens image: /assets/images/author.jpg brand: 2martens brand_logo: /assets/images/brand.svg image_desc: age: 24 location: Hamburg, Germany profession: Student cv_link: /cv/ cv_pdf: /assets/pdf/cv.pdf generic_email: job_topic: jobs politics_topic: politik snowden_topic: snowden-refugees github_username: 2martens twitter_username: 2martens fingerprint_gpg: F0F1 53B6 5BAD 4672 01D7 544E 4739 3ABD 1F96 B7C8 election_district: N.N. election_listnr: N.N. election_living_district: Niendorf, Hamburg publickey_gpg: /assets/gpg/0x1F96B7C8-pub.asc publications: - link: /assets/pdf/bachelor-thesis.pdf title: Face Detection and Head Tracking for perspective rendering (Bachelor Thesis) author: Jim Martens date: 2016-07-19 skills: - category: Languages items: - German (mother tongue) - English (fluid) - category: Programming languages items: - Python - PHP - JavaScript - Java - C++ - category: Markup languages items: - HTML - Markdown - CSS - SQL - XML - YAML - reStructuredText - JSON - category: CMS items: - Typo3 - Wordpress - category: VCS items: - Git - category: OS items: - Windows - Linux - category: Software items: - LibreOffice - MS Office - OpenProject - InDesign - Jenkins - TeamCity - MS Project education: - title: Master of Science in Computer Science start: 2016-10-01 icon: fa-university - title: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science start: 2012-10-01 end: 2016-09-30 grade: 1.82 icon: fa-graduation-cap politics: - title: Member of the board of Green Youth Hamburg
Beisitzer im Landesvorstand der GRÜNEN JUGEND Hamburg start: 2016-10-15 end: 2017-09-30 icon: fa-user - title: Member of the Presidium of the Student Parliament at the University Hamburg
Mitglied im Präsidium des Studierendenparlaments der Uni Hamburg start: 2016-04-14 end: 2017-04-20 icon: fa-users - title: Member of the Student Parliament at the University Hamburg
Mitglied des Studierendenparlaments der Uni Hamburg start: 2015-04-09 end: 2018-03-31 icon: fa-users