Written the differences for book four
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@ -487,28 +487,112 @@ takes place on the road and not in Edoras.
## From Rauros to Black Gate (begin of 4th book)
I am now continuing with the story of Frodo and Sam. It starts with finding their way through Emyn Muil.
There they meet Gollum and tame him. With his help, they find a way out of Emyn Muil and afterwards through
the Dead Marshes. While in the Dead Marshes, a nazgul comes flying over them. This encounter triggers something
in Gollum and makes the evil part surface again. After leaving the Dead Marshes, the three companions make their
way to the Black Gate.
### Differences
The journey takes longer in the book. However, the Dead Marshes are more uneventful than portrayed in the movie.
Also, the movie has less details. But in general the movie is very close to the book in this part.
One noteworthy difference: Frodo does not run down towards the Black Gate in the book.
## Black Gate to Ithilien
They decide to go through a back-entrance into Mordor and set out to the south. After leaving the
barren lands close to the Black Gate behind them, they enter the former garden province of Gondor, Ithilien.
In Ithilien, Sam is stewing a rabbit with a small fire and for the first time in a while the hobbits have
something warm to eat.
### Differences
In the movie the journey is shorter and it also works with implied concurrency. By cutting away from Frodo
and Sam after the Black Gate and only returning once they are in Ithilien, the viewer can assume that the story
of Frodo and Sam continued while they saw the western events unfold. In the book they see a nazgul leaving for
the west on their way to Ithilien. This very nazgul arrives in Isengard a few hours later. Therefore, the western
events told in the second volume are almost over when the story of Frodo and Sam is really starting.
## Ithilien - Meeting with Faramir
The fire of Sam was observed by the men of Faramir. Shortly after, the hobbits were discovered and had to wait
with two guards, while the rest of the men attacked the Haradrim from the south. After the battle, Faramir
questioned Frodo on the spot about Boromir and Isildur's Bane. Eventually, they moved to a secret hideout
and were blindfolded for the last meters.
The following part of the story diverges massively from the movie up to the Crossroads. During their stay
at the hideout they get proper food and have a lengthy talk with Faramir. He is at no point trying to take
the ring and once it is revealed that Frodo has the ring, he still did not do it. No other man was informed
about the ring. At some point Gollum is observed in the forbidden pool. Frodo convinces Faramir to leave Gollum
alive. But Gollum is taken prisoner and questioned by Faramir. It is revealed that Gollum intends to bring
them to the stairs of Cirith Ungol. Faramir warns Frodo about the stairs and the dangers that lie there, though
he cannot give any specific information. Eventually, the hobbits are given food for the way and escorted out
again, together with Gollum, until Faramir leaves them.
### Differences
There are so many differences that I can only list the biggest ones. Faramir is more wise in the book
and does not try to bring Frodo to Minas Tirith. He even gives him the promise of safe passage through
Gondor for one year and a day. Frodo should come to Minas Tirith and explain him before the steward if he
wanted to make it lifelong. The hobbits have multiple meals with the men and upon departing are given
fresh food for the journey. They are not brought to Osgiliath.
Faramir recounts to Frodo how he saw Boromir travel by in the boat on the Anduin. This retrospective scene is
shown in the movie very accurately. The movie does portray the key points like them meeting Faramir and Gollum
taken prisoner but there the similarities end. Effectively, the movie gives Faramir a slightly different character
and probably chooses to introduce Osgiliath so that the viewers have more emotional ties to it in the third
## From Ithilien to Crossroads
### Differences
This entire journey is completely different in the movie. In the book they travel some days through Ithilien
along its wester border until the trees become scarcer. Then they go closer to the southward road until they come
to the crossroads. At the crossroads is a statue with a severed head. This scene is in the third movie. The road
from Osgiliath continues straight to Minas Morgul behind the crossroads.
## From Crossroads to Shelob's Lair
After crossing the southward road and following the road to Minas Morgul, the ring all of a sudden grew heavy
again. A short while later they arrive at Minas Morgul. They hide while the army marches out. Then they climb
the two stairs up and rest.
### Differences
The scene down at Minas Morgul is exactly as in the book. But in the book Sam is never sent back and Gollum
does not throw away the Lembas bread. Also, the leader of the ringwraiths is riding on a horse to battle and not
on a nazgul. Furthermore, the phial of Galadriel is already used by Frodo when hiding from the army to
stay the desire to touch the ring.
## Shelob's Lair
Frodo and Sam are entering the tunnel together with Gollum. After a short while Gollum disappears.
Along the way multiple side passages are running away. They
follow the main tunnel up to a Y-shaped point. The left path is blocked. Following the right path, they
hear some noise behind and see multiple eyes. With the phial of Galadriel in hand, Frodo is approaching them.
They retreat.
Then both continue upwards until they are stopped by cobwebs. Sting is successfully used to cut them. Frodo
runs forward out of joy of them having escaped the tunnel while Sam cannot quite keep up. Sam is attacked by
Gollum but manages to fight him off. When Sam leaves the tunnel, Frodo lies on the bottom and Shelob
is above him. Sam attacks Shelob with his sword and lies below her, when she hammers her body down on the sword.
Afterwards she retreats. Sam thinks Frodo dead but does not know what to do. After some deliberation, he takes
the ring and Sting, and leaves Frodo. Then he hears voices of orcs, puts on the ring and follows them.
A group of orcs came up from Minas Morgul, while another came from the watchtower. Both met and took Frodo back
into the tunnel. The previously closed tunnel path was the entrance to the watchtower. Sam managed to get inside
the path but was not able to enter the tower. There the second volume ends.
### Differences
Sam and Frodo are together in the struggle of the tunnel. It is cleared up how Sam got the ring, the entrance
to the tower is different and overall there is less drama in the book. Furthermore, there is a great deal more
background information provided in the last chapter, where Sam hears the orc captains talk with each other.
However, it is somewhat weird that Sam can keep the ring on for so long (many minutes at least) without
being discovered by Sauron. In any case Sauron does not seem to know immediately where the ring is when someone
uses it.
## To be continued
Once I finish the third volume, I shall continue the journey of describing the differences.